Unique Jobs according to your needs

Unique Jobs according to your needs

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ucm is the job portal of choice for students

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Cihangir Ö.
Cihangir Ö.
Ich weiß nicht wie ich mich bedanken soll. Ich kann mich nicht genug bei Elif bedanken.. Sie hat sich viel Zeit genommen im Chat (Whatsapp) und um mein großes Problem zu lösen hat Sie mich nochmal angerufen. Ich bin wirklich sehr dankbar, dass UCM Agency (vorallem Elif) mir entgegen kam und bei einer Sache viel wirklich viel Verständnis gezeigt haben. Tausend Dank. 🌷
Анна Прус
Анна Прус
Steffen Stoltmann
Steffen Stoltmann
Ich war extrem positiv überrascht, wie professionell und flexibel meine Anfragen bei UCM bearbeitet und in erfolgreiche Event- und Promotion-Projekte umgesetzt wurden. Danke und sehr empfehlenswert!
Thomas Ulmer
Thomas Ulmer
Dr. Grey
Dr. Grey
abwechslungsreiche jobs für studis mit guter bezahlung, besser geht nicht! außerdem ist das personal sehr nett und hilfsbereit, ich kanns jedem, der sich sein geld neben dem studium dazu verdienen möchte empfehlen!!
Tanvir Reza Oney
Tanvir Reza Oney
I. M.
I. M.
Sehr zu empfehlen:)

Top Job Offers

Student Job (m/f/d) at IFA & InnoTrans Fairs

  • 14€ /h
  • many opportunities
  • from 4. September

Student Job (m/f/d) at Airport Berlin

  • 16€ /h
  • + surcharges
  • many opportunities

The right job for every preference

Choose for yourself when and how much you work, get paid above average, and enjoy your freedom.

Find your ideal part-time job with ucm at international trade fairs, festivals, airports or in the soccer stadium.

Enjoy full control over your time and receive above-tariff wages. This means more independence and freedom for you.


You will get free training and education for your work as a service employee.


Bring new and exciting products and brands to the people.

Kongresshostessen von ucm.agency begrüßen Ihre Kongressgäste mit einem Lächeln selbst zur Rush-Hour an der Registrierung


Enjoy great teamwork at special locations on unique events and projects.


Costume promoter, helping hands at festivals, trade fairs and special events.

Find your perfect job now.

Find your perfect job now.

Download the ucm.jobs app

Go get the ucm.jobs app, and secure awesome side-job opportunities, without the hassles of bureaucracy. Gain new friends, go network like a Pro, and earn your own money.

zwei Kellnerinnen mit Tablett lächeln in die Kamera
Mann mit Helm und Warnweste
UCM Agency - Promotion auf dem Lollapalooza in Berlin
ucm.agency Servicepersonal Berlin buchen ab 16€h
Woman, airport and service agent with passport helping traveler for check in at terminal counter. Female passenger assistant with smile in travel security or immigration documents for airline control.


60,000+ students like you are already getting part-time jobs with fun and success from ucm. Media Informatics student Maggy takes us to her job and talks about her experiences with the ucm.jobs app.

Get the ucm.jobs app now and find your ideal part-time job for more independence and fun alongside your studies.

I like being a part of ucm because I get the opportunity to work at a wide variety of events and have new experiences with cool people at every assignment.


Katja, 22

I associate ucm not only with many fun and varied jobs, but above all with good communication between the clients, the employees and the agency. Everyone at ucm is always friendly and courteous, which is incredibly motivating for every job at the agency.


Saskia, 24

Als Mitarbeiter von ucm.agency habe ich immer die Chance, interessante Events im verschiedenen Gebieten in Berlin zu entdecken. Das macht mir mega Spaß ;).


Youssef, 22

Through ucm, I have the opportunity to reinvent myself every day, get to know different people and continue to build my self-confidence. My working life couldn’t be more varied at the moment.


Emily, 23

ucm treats its hosts in a fair and friendly way and I’ve already made some good friends at the jobs. You can also do jobs with big companies at ucm or attend cool events that you wouldn’t otherwise get to and then brag about it.


Asmaou, 21

The best thing about ucm is the flexibility. I can organize my time completely on my own to earn some money alongside my studies.


Emmanuel Junior, 22

It has always been important to me to combine professionalism with fun and enjoyment at work, and that is exactly what I have found at ucm. In addition, you can ALWAYS rely on ucm’s support and don’t feel like just another number in the system.


Fernando, 22

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